Meet Gerry

Gerry Vander-Lyn is a native Houstonian who went to HISD schools; Mark Twain Elementary, Pershing Middle School, and Bellaire High School, graduating in 1968. A nine-month stint in Denton, Texas at the University of North Texas convinced her that, while Houston is not heaven on earth, there is truly no place like home. She finished her collegiate studies at the University of Houston, graduating in 1973 with a Bachelor of Arts with a major in history and a minor in English.

A year after graduating college, Gerry discovered a church that showed her what a commitment to Jesus looked like. On April 6, 1974 she made a profession of faith witnessed by no one but God. On April 7, 1974 she was baptized by the Holy Spirit, which was a concept she had not heard about yet. However, her life was forever changed, and over the ensuing decades she has learned to trust more and more the God who saved her and continues to guide her.

Gerry’s professional career has included working for the Texas Department of Public Welfare, serving in the graphics department of an oil company, and eventually supporting three tax accountants. She obtained her Life and Health Insurance license and passed the Series 7 and Series 63 SEC exams in the late 1990s. Although she is no longer SEC licensed and no longer actively sells life or health insurance, she continues to maintain an insurance license.

Gerry currently attends St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, serves on two committees of citizens concerned about our local schools, and is the Chair of the Architectural Committee of a local homeowner’s association.